About Us
Combination Therapy
“The use of several different modalities to achieve the most natural-looking, sustainable results over time and will reduce visible signs of aging”
457 Bayfront Aesthetics is an ongoing and evolving collaboration of the best esthetic facial enhancements procedures utilized by leading cosmetic doctors in North America. Having learned and mastered these techniques, Scott DelBoccio has developed a system that allows for the greatest optimization for a youthful look using your own body’s natural healing mechanisms.
The importance of combination therapy stems from the fact that our bodies are made up of various components like skin, fat, muscles, bones, and ligaments that all require some TLC in order to remain youthful and age gracefully.
Our approach focuses on repairing and protecting these different aspects of the body by addressing these epidermal and dermal aging issues.
The multifaceted approach includes comprehensive blood panels to identify hormonal imbalances, micronutrient deficiencies, and your levels of free radicals that accelerate cell damage leading to aging and death.
Intravenous and Intramuscular therapy is used to restore your immune system and replace lost micronutrients to combat cell death and restore your skin beauty and hair
Light based energy devices using Erbium/ND:Yag lasers, Plasma Fractional Light Therapy, and Radiofrequency technology to deliver serums below the skin help to dissolve wrinkles, tighten skin, and promote new collagen formation.
Dormant hair can be reactivated to increase greater hair volume and eliminate shedding. These devices can also correct over hanging skin above the eye’s and remove lower fat pads. Facial hair, spider veins, age spots, and scar reduction is also available.
Advanced micro needling techniques are applied using Platelet Rich Fibrin promoting up to 21 days of therapeutic release of natural growth factors to revitalize collagen in your face and provides volume enhancement in your lips without fillers.
Botox is used to provide facial slimming and attack those stubborn wrinkles when all else fails.
Each of these treatments are uniquely designed to target a specific aspect of the body in the aging process. Whether it’s increasing one’s own collagen production, causing muscle relaxation, replacing volume loss, or even tightening down tissue with the use of controlled light energy devices – all are vital to the process of preserving youthful skin.
We make the process easy on our patients, educating and guiding them to the best procedures, products, and treatment options to help them attain their unique aesthetic goals. Most, if not all, of our patients require multiple types of aesthetic and cosmetic treatment to address their specific anatomy + physiology and amplify treatment results